git.rrze.uni-erlangen.de Git - osmrrze.git/log
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User for running Openstreetmap-things [Fri, 25 Aug 2017 09:18:25 +0000 (11:18 +0200)]
Modified views for openstreetmap-carto-de.
Normally, osm-carto-de uses a hstore-only database, and emulates the things itself and openstreetmap-carto need with views on that.
We instead use the normal openstreetmap-carto-style (because it is faster and better maintained), and emulate what
osm-carto-de needs with views on that. These views have a _de appended to their name.
That means that we have to append a _de to all table-names in project.mml after
every update.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Fri, 25 Aug 2017 09:16:41 +0000 (11:16 +0200)]
small update to be compatible with the openstreetmap-carto V4.X database scheme
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Mon, 27 Jun 2016 08:18:44 +0000 (10:18 +0200)]
trigger rerendering of tiles in our main area (Erlangen/Nuernberg) after expiry so they load without delay.
Michael Meier [Tue, 7 Jun 2016 09:24:06 +0000 (11:24 +0200)]
Merge branch 'master' of git.rrze.uni-erlangen.de:osmrrze
Michael Meier [Tue, 7 Jun 2016 09:23:49 +0000 (11:23 +0200)]
better stats for touching files
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Mon, 6 Jun 2016 10:24:09 +0000 (12:24 +0200)]
add HD tiles to daily maintenance
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Mon, 6 Jun 2016 10:23:12 +0000 (12:23 +0200)]
change to only touching tiles instead of directly triggering a rerender - the actual rerender then gets triggered by mod_tile when the tile is requested.
Michael Meier [Mon, 6 Jun 2016 08:38:18 +0000 (10:38 +0200)]
fix counting, be less verbose
Michael Meier [Mon, 6 Jun 2016 08:31:55 +0000 (10:31 +0200)]
support new mode: set mtime back 20 years for expirelist.
This naturally is intended to be used together with mod_tile which would then try to rerender those old files when they're requested.
Michael Meier [Mon, 6 Jun 2016 07:14:02 +0000 (09:14 +0200)]
Merge branch 'master' of git.rrze.uni-erlangen.de:osmrrze
Michael Meier [Mon, 6 Jun 2016 07:13:07 +0000 (09:13 +0200)]
we now have DBI::Pg >3, so we can properly handle utf8.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Sun, 5 Jun 2016 20:58:06 +0000 (22:58 +0200)]
remove expiryfile when rendering is disabled, else it grows indefinitely and causes tens of thousands of rendering requests the moment we turn rerendering back on.
Michael Meier [Thu, 2 Jun 2016 15:35:56 +0000 (17:35 +0200)]
update to new upstream version
Michael Meier [Thu, 2 Jun 2016 15:30:48 +0000 (17:30 +0200)]
Merge branch 'master' of git.rrze.uni-erlangen.de:osmrrze
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Thu, 2 Jun 2016 15:30:06 +0000 (17:30 +0200)]
commit some new tile layers added ages ago
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Thu, 2 Jun 2016 15:28:49 +0000 (17:28 +0200)]
add explicit cast, else postgresql 9.5 will break (9.3 works fine)
Michael Meier [Thu, 4 Feb 2016 13:54:34 +0000 (14:54 +0100)]
fix runtime warnings
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Thu, 4 Feb 2016 13:47:08 +0000 (14:47 +0100)]
make it possible to enable or disable rerenderings by a file.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Thu, 4 Feb 2016 13:46:42 +0000 (14:46 +0100)]
some adjustments
Michael Meier [Fri, 11 Sep 2015 07:43:37 +0000 (09:43 +0200)]
script to delete tiles that can be rerendered very fast (e.g. in less than 1 second). Requires database generated from the tirex logs to get that info.
Michael Meier [Thu, 10 Sep 2015 12:46:51 +0000 (14:46 +0200)]
script for parsing apache and tirex logs into a db.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Wed, 9 Sep 2015 10:13:34 +0000 (12:13 +0200)]
more comments.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Wed, 9 Sep 2015 10:03:03 +0000 (12:03 +0200)]
Render subway lines in London - in original color scheme.
Of course this doesn't have anything to do with FAU, I just wanted to play around with it (no, not during work hours).
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Wed, 9 Sep 2015 10:01:24 +0000 (12:01 +0200)]
add support for hd tiles, cleanup.
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Thu, 6 Aug 2015 13:13:38 +0000 (15:13 +0200)]
fix handling of buildings with inner holes by breaking up polygons into their rings
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Thu, 6 Aug 2015 12:45:29 +0000 (14:45 +0200)]
redo my quick weekend hack with perls JSON module.
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Wed, 5 Aug 2015 08:06:21 +0000 (10:06 +0200)]
fix my double-escape-FAIL
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Wed, 5 Aug 2015 07:43:29 +0000 (09:43 +0200)]
some more fields taken from new osmbuildings doc about server interface
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Tue, 4 Aug 2015 09:47:29 +0000 (11:47 +0200)]
make JSON output smaller by eleminating whitespace.
This can be disabled by setting verbosity higher, so that you get
more readable output for debugging. However for delivery over the internet smaller is better.
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Fri, 31 Jul 2015 14:03:57 +0000 (16:03 +0200)]
now with cgi-mode and lots of other improvements.
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Sat, 25 Jul 2015 05:47:18 +0000 (07:47 +0200)]
Merge branch 'master' of git.rrze.uni-erlangen.de:osmrrze
Michael 'PoempelFox' Meier [Sat, 25 Jul 2015 05:44:43 +0000 (07:44 +0200)]
script to generate json data for osmbuildings.js. First somewhat working version. Fails completely with overlapping building-parts.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Wed, 4 Feb 2015 22:08:38 +0000 (23:08 +0100)]
documentation in the form of comments added.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Sun, 1 Feb 2015 22:01:26 +0000 (23:01 +0100)]
support more layers, also support leaflet permalinks (so the noscript-replacement show the correct map)
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Sat, 31 Jan 2015 22:47:00 +0000 (23:47 +0100)]
new in the overlay: draw bus stops and show which bus lines depart from there.
This isn't a graphically pleasing as it could be, the shieldsymbolizer placement-type list seems to be broken, so all routes are just drawn onto one label as a workaround..
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Sat, 31 Jan 2015 22:43:44 +0000 (23:43 +0100)]
change rerendering for zoom 13-14 tiles, change prio for daily rerenderings to be less than the minutely updates
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Fri, 12 Sep 2014 11:42:29 +0000 (13:42 +0200)]
einfaches script um sea-tiles (also tiles die nur "blau" sind weil sie komplett im Meer liegen) zu loeschen. Die koennen in Sekundenbruchteilen neu gerendert werden falls sie angefragt werden.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:06:30 +0000 (11:06 +0200)]
render FAU fablab (and possibly other hacker spaces)
osm@osm.rrze [Fri, 28 Feb 2014 10:57:41 +0000 (11:57 +0100)]
output critical and warning values, fix for not printing config in non-config-mode
osm@osm.rrze [Fri, 5 Apr 2013 08:58:20 +0000 (10:58 +0200)]
script for merging maptiles out of high-zoom non-text and lowzoom textlayer-tiles.
osm@osm.rrze [Wed, 5 Dec 2012 10:00:41 +0000 (11:00 +0100)]
also support leaflet map if called under a filename containing -leaflet
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 4 Dec 2012 09:19:38 +0000 (10:19 +0100)]
add cleanup for bicycleparking/lecturehall-layer
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 4 Dec 2012 09:16:13 +0000 (10:16 +0100)]
allow mlat/mlon parameter that draws a marker at the specified location. If lon/lat is not given but mlat/mlon is, it's also used as lon/lat.
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 4 Dec 2012 09:15:46 +0000 (10:15 +0100)]
use flatnodes-mode of osm2pgsql
osm@osm.rrze [Fri, 17 Aug 2012 20:47:12 +0000 (22:47 +0200)]
mixup lokale zeitzone / utc korrigiert - date wertet das Z als zeitzonenangabe im textstring leider nicht aus, daher --utc als parameter noetig.
osm@osm.rrze [Sat, 11 Aug 2012 11:57:56 +0000 (13:57 +0200)]
first working version of our overlay style: this now draws bicycle parking and lecture halls.
osm@osm.rrze [Sat, 11 Aug 2012 11:56:27 +0000 (13:56 +0200)]
Munin Plugin to check database lag (how much our database copy lags behind the official database)
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 7 Aug 2012 10:30:38 +0000 (12:30 +0200)]
optimize database queries - a lot (they were gigantic because they were copy+paste from some significantly larger rendering)
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 7 Aug 2012 10:20:06 +0000 (12:20 +0200)]
initial checkin of rrze style - currently doing a bad rendering of bicycle parking
osm@osm.rrze [Sat, 28 Jul 2012 10:45:40 +0000 (12:45 +0200)]
copy+paste error
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 17 Jul 2012 08:51:09 +0000 (10:51 +0200)]
now also handles map baselayer selection.
osm@osm.rrze [Tue, 17 Jul 2012 08:41:54 +0000 (10:41 +0200)]
our cgis
osm@osm.rrze [Sun, 15 Jul 2012 21:57:38 +0000 (23:57 +0200)]
this is a pretty nice script for handling all sorts of maintenance work - cleaning out or regenerating old tiles.
User for running Openstreetmap-things [Sun, 15 Jul 2012 21:47:19 +0000 (23:47 +0200)]
these two are the cronjobs-scripts
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