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391 <div class="document" id="lbm-benchmark-kernels-documentation">
392 <h1 class="title">LBM Benchmark Kernels Documentation</h1>
394 <!-- # - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
395 #
396 # Copyright
397 #   Markus Wittmann, 2016-2017
398 #   RRZE, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
399 #   markus.wittmann -at- fau.de or hpc -at- rrze.fau.de
400 #
401 #   Viktor Haag, 2016
402 #   LSS, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany
403 #
404 #  This file is part of the Lattice Boltzmann Benchmark Kernels (LbmBenchKernels).
405 #
406 #  LbmBenchKernels is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
407 #  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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410 #
411 #  LbmBenchKernels is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
412 #  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
414 #  GNU General Public License for more details.
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420 <div class="contents topic" id="contents">
421 <p class="topic-title first">Contents</p>
422 <ul class="auto-toc simple">
423 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#introduction" id="id5">1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction</a></li>
424 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#compilation" id="id6">2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Compilation</a><ul class="auto-toc">
425 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#debug-and-verification" id="id7">2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Debug and Verification</a></li>
426 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#release-and-verification" id="id8">2.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Release and Verification</a></li>
427 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#benchmarking" id="id9">2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Benchmarking</a></li>
428 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#compilers" id="id10">2.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Compilers</a></li>
429 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#cleaning" id="id11">2.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cleaning</a></li>
430 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#options-summary" id="id12">2.6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Options Summary</a></li>
431 </ul>
432 </li>
433 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#invocation" id="id13">3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Invocation</a><ul class="auto-toc">
434 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#command-line-parameters" id="id14">3.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Command Line Parameters</a></li>
435 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#kernels" id="id15">3.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kernels</a></li>
436 </ul>
437 </li>
438 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#id2" id="id16">4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Benchmarking</a><ul class="auto-toc">
439 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#intel-compiler" id="id17">4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Intel Compiler</a></li>
440 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#pinning" id="id18">4.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pinning</a></li>
441 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#general-remarks" id="id19">4.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;General Remarks</a></li>
442 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#padding" id="id20">4.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Padding</a></li>
443 </ul>
444 </li>
445 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#geometries" id="id21">5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Geometries</a></li>
446 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#performance-results" id="id22">6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Performance Results</a><ul class="auto-toc">
447 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#haswell-intel-xeon-e5-2695-v3" id="id23">6.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Haswell, Intel Xeon E5-2695 v3</a></li>
448 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#broadwell-intel-xeon-e5-2630-v4" id="id24">6.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Broadwell, Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4</a></li>
449 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#skylake-intel-xeon-gold-6148" id="id25">6.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Skylake, Intel Xeon Gold 6148</a></li>
450 </ul>
451 </li>
452 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#licence" id="id26">7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Licence</a></li>
453 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#acknowledgements" id="id27">8&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acknowledgements</a></li>
454 <li><a class="reference internal" href="#bibliography" id="id28">9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bibliography</a></li>
455 </ul>
456 </div>
457 <div class="section" id="introduction">
458 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id5">1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Introduction</a></h1>
459 <p>The lattice Boltzmann (LBM) benchmark kernels are a collection of LBM kernel
460 implementations.</p>
463 EXPERIMENTS.</strong></p>
464 <p>Currently all kernels utilize a D3Q19 discretization and the
465 two-relaxation-time (TRT) collision operator <a class="citation-reference" href="#ginzburg-2008" id="id1">[ginzburg-2008]</a>.
466 All operations are carried out in double precision arithmetic.</p>
467 </div>
468 <div class="section" id="compilation">
469 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id6">2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Compilation</a></h1>
470 <p>The benchmark framework currently supports only Linux systems and the GCC and
471 Intel compilers. Every other configuration probably requires adjustment inside
472 the code and the makefiles. Furthermore some code might be platform or at least
473 POSIX specific.</p>
474 <p>The benchmark can be build via <tt class="docutils literal">make</tt> from the <tt class="docutils literal">src</tt> subdirectory. This will
475 generate one binary which hosts all implemented benchmark kernels.</p>
476 <p>Binaries are located under the <tt class="docutils literal">bin</tt> subdirectory and will have different names
477 depending on compiler and build configuration.</p>
478 <p>Compilation can target debug or release builds. Combined with both build types
479 verification can be enabled, which increases the runtime and hence is not
480 suited for benchmarking.</p>
481 <div class="section" id="debug-and-verification">
482 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id7">2.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Debug and Verification</a></h2>
483 <pre class="literal-block">
484 make BUILD=debug BENCHMARK=off
485 </pre>
486 <p>Running <tt class="docutils literal">make</tt> with <tt class="docutils literal">BUILD=debug</tt> builds the debug version of
487 the benchmark kernels, where no optimizations are performed,  line numbers and
488 debug symbols are included as well as <tt class="docutils literal">DEBUG</tt> will be defined.  The resulting
489 binary will be found in the <tt class="docutils literal">bin</tt> subdirectory and named
490 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">lbmbenchk-linux-&lt;compiler&gt;-debug</span></tt>.</p>
491 <p>Specifying <tt class="docutils literal">BENCHMARK=off</tt> turns on verification
492 (<tt class="docutils literal">VERIFICATION=on</tt>), statistics (<tt class="docutils literal">STATISTICS=on</tt>), and VTK output
493 (<tt class="docutils literal">VTK_OUTPUT=on</tt>) enabled.</p>
494 <p>Please note that the generated binary will therefore
495 exhibit a poor performance.</p>
496 </div>
497 <div class="section" id="release-and-verification">
498 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id8">2.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Release and Verification</a></h2>
499 <p>Verification with the debug builds can be extremely slow. Hence verification
500 capabilities can be build with release builds:</p>
501 <pre class="literal-block">
502 make BENCHMARK=off
503 </pre>
504 </div>
505 <div class="section" id="benchmarking">
506 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id9">2.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Benchmarking</a></h2>
507 <p>To generate a binary for benchmarking run make with</p>
508 <pre class="literal-block">
509 make
510 </pre>
511 <p>As default <tt class="docutils literal">BENCHMARK=on</tt> and <tt class="docutils literal">BUILD=release</tt> is set, where
512 <tt class="docutils literal">BUILD=release</tt> turns optimizations on and <tt class="docutils literal">BENCHMARK=on</tt> disables
513 verfification, statistics, and VTK output.</p>
514 <p>See Options Summary below for further description of options which can be
515 applied, e.g. TARCH as well as the Benchmarking section.</p>
516 </div>
517 <div class="section" id="compilers">
518 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id10">2.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Compilers</a></h2>
519 <p>Currently only the GCC and Intel compiler under Linux are supported. Between
520 both configuration can be chosen via <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CONFIG=linux-gcc</span></tt> or
521 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">CONFIG=linux-intel</span></tt>.</p>
522 </div>
523 <div class="section" id="cleaning">
524 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id11">2.5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Cleaning</a></h2>
525 <p>For each configuration and build (debug/release) a subdirectory under the
526 <tt class="docutils literal">src/obj</tt> directory is created where the dependency and object files are
527 stored.
528 With</p>
529 <pre class="literal-block">
530 make CONFIG=... BUILD=... clean
531 </pre>
532 <p>a specific combination is select and cleaned, whereas with</p>
533 <pre class="literal-block">
534 make clean-all
535 </pre>
536 <p>all object and dependency files are deleted.</p>
537 </div>
538 <div class="section" id="options-summary">
539 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id12">2.6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Options Summary</a></h2>
540 <p>Options that can be specified when building the suite with make:</p>
541 <table border="1" class="docutils">
542 <colgroup>
543 <col width="7%" />
544 <col width="12%" />
545 <col width="6%" />
546 <col width="75%" />
547 </colgroup>
548 <thead valign="bottom">
549 <tr><th class="head">name</th>
550 <th class="head">values</th>
551 <th class="head">default</th>
552 <th class="head">description</th>
553 </tr>
554 </thead>
555 <tbody valign="top">
556 <tr><td>BENCHMARK</td>
557 <td>on, off</td>
558 <td>on</td>
559 <td>If enabled, disables VERIFICATION, STATISTICS, VTK_OUTPUT. If disabled enables the three former options.</td>
560 </tr>
561 <tr><td>BUILD</td>
562 <td>debug, release</td>
563 <td>release</td>
564 <td>debug: no optimization, debug symbols, DEBUG defined. release: optimizations enabled.</td>
565 </tr>
566 <tr><td>CONFIG</td>
567 <td>linux-gcc, linux-intel</td>
568 <td>linux-intel</td>
569 <td>Select GCC or Intel compiler.</td>
570 </tr>
571 <tr><td>ISA</td>
572 <td>avx, sse</td>
573 <td>avx</td>
574 <td>Determines which ISA extension is used for macro definitions of the intrinsics. This is <em>not</em> the architecture the compiler generates code for.</td>
575 </tr>
576 <tr><td>OPENMP</td>
577 <td>on, off</td>
578 <td>on</td>
579 <td>OpenMP, i.,e.. threading support.</td>
580 </tr>
581 <tr><td>STATISTICS</td>
582 <td>on, off</td>
583 <td>off</td>
584 <td>View statistics, like density etc, during simulation.</td>
585 </tr>
586 <tr><td>TARCH</td>
587 <td>--</td>
588 <td>--</td>
589 <td>Via TARCH the architecture the compiler generates code for can be overridden. The value depends on the chosen compiler.</td>
590 </tr>
591 <tr><td>VERIFICATION</td>
592 <td>on, off</td>
593 <td>off</td>
594 <td>Turn verification on/off.</td>
595 </tr>
596 <tr><td>VTK_OUTPUT</td>
597 <td>on, off</td>
598 <td>off</td>
599 <td>Enable/Disable VTK file output.</td>
600 </tr>
601 </tbody>
602 </table>
603 </div>
604 </div>
605 <div class="section" id="invocation">
606 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id13">3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Invocation</a></h1>
607 <p>Running the binary will print among the GPL licence header a line like the following:</p>
608 <pre class="literal-block">
609 LBM Benchmark Kernels 0.1, compiled Jul  5 2017 21:59:22, type: verification
610 </pre>
611 <p>if verfication was enabled during compilation or</p>
612 <pre class="literal-block">
613 LBM Benchmark Kernels 0.1, compiled Jul  5 2017 21:59:22, type: benchmark
614 </pre>
615 <p>if verfication was disabled during compilation.</p>
616 <div class="section" id="command-line-parameters">
617 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id14">3.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Command Line Parameters</a></h2>
618 <p>Running the binary with <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-h</span></tt> list all available parameters:</p>
619 <pre class="literal-block">
620 Usage:
621 ./lbmbenchk -list
622 ./lbmbenchk
623     [-dims XxYyZ] [-geometry box|channel|pipe|blocks[-&lt;block size&gt;]] [-iterations &lt;iterations&gt;] [-lattice-dump-ascii]
624     [-rho-in &lt;density&gt;] [-rho-out &lt;density] [-omega &lt;omega&gt;] [-kernel &lt;kernel&gt;]
625     [-periodic-x]
626     [-t &lt;number of threads&gt;]
627     [-pin core{,core}*]
628     [-verify]
629     -- &lt;kernel specific parameters&gt;
631 -list           List available kernels.
633 -dims XxYxZ     Specify geometry dimensions.
635 -geometry blocks-&lt;block size&gt;
636                 Geometetry with blocks of size &lt;block size&gt; regularily layout out.
637 </pre>
638 <p>If an option is specified multiple times the last one overrides previous ones.
639 This holds also true for <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-verify</span></tt> which sets geometry dimensions,
640 iterations, etc, which can afterward be override, e.g.:</p>
641 <pre class="literal-block">
642 $ bin/lbmbenchk-linux-intel-release -verfiy -dims 32x32x32
643 </pre>
644 <p>Kernel specific parameters can be obtained via selecting the specific kernel
645 and passing <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-h</span></tt> as parameter:</p>
646 <pre class="literal-block">
647 $ bin/lbmbenchk-linux-intel-release -kernel kernel-name -- -h
648 ...
649 Kernel parameters:
650 [-blk &lt;n&gt;] [-blk-[xyz] &lt;n&gt;]
651 </pre>
652 <p>A list of all available kernels can be obtained via <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-list</span></tt>:</p>
653 <pre class="literal-block">
654 $ ../bin/lbmbenchk-linux-gcc-debug -list
655 Lattice Boltzmann Benchmark Kernels (LbmBenchKernels) Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 LSS, RRZE
656 This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details see LICENSE.
657 This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
659 LBM Benchmark Kernels 0.1, compiled Jul  5 2017 21:59:22, type: verification
660 Available kernels to benchmark:
661    list-aa-pv-soa
662    list-aa-ria-soa
663    list-aa-soa
664    list-aa-aos
665    list-pull-split-nt-1s-soa
666    list-pull-split-nt-2s-soa
667    list-push-soa
668    list-push-aos
669    list-pull-soa
670    list-pull-aos
671    push-soa
672    push-aos
673    pull-soa
674    pull-aos
675    blk-push-soa
676    blk-push-aos
677    blk-pull-soa
678    blk-pull-aos
679 </pre>
680 </div>
681 <div class="section" id="kernels">
682 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id15">3.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kernels</a></h2>
683 <p>The following list shortly describes available kernels:</p>
684 <ul class="simple">
685 <li>push-soa/push-aos/pull-soa/pull-aos:
686 Unoptimized kernels (but stream/collide are already fused) using two grids as
687 source and destination. Implement push/pull semantics as well structure of
688 arrays (soa) or array of structures (aos) layout.</li>
689 <li>blk-push-soa/blk-push-aos/blk-pull-soa/blk-pull-aos:
690 The same as the unoptimized kernels without the blk prefix, except that they support
691 spatial blocking, i.e. loop blocking of the three loops used to iterate over
692 the lattice. Here manual work sharing for OpenMP is used.</li>
693 <li>list-push-soa/list-push-aos/list-pull-soa/list-pull-aos:
694 The same as the unoptimized kernels without the list prefix, but for indirect addressing.
695 Here only a 1D vector of is used to store the fluid nodes, omitting the
696 obstacles. An adjacency list is used to recover the neighborhood associations.</li>
697 <li>list-pull-split-nt-1s-soa/list-pull-split-nt-2s-soa:
698 Optimized variant of list-pull-soa. Chunks of the lattice are processed as
699 once. Postcollision values are written back via nontemporal stores in 18 (1s)
700 or 9 (2s) loops.</li>
701 <li>list-aa-aos/list-aa-soa:
702 Unoptimized implementation of the AA pattern for the 1D vector with adjacency
703 list. Supported are array of structures (aos) and structure of arrays (soa)
704 data layout is supported.</li>
705 <li>list-aa-ria-soa:
706 Implementation of AA pattern with intrinsics for the 1D vector with adjacency
707 list. Furthermore it contains a vectorized even time step and run length
708 coding to reduce the loop balance of the odd time step.</li>
709 <li>list-aa-pv-soa:
710 All optimizations of list-aa-ria-soa. Additional with partial vectorization
711 of the odd time step.</li>
712 </ul>
713 <p>Note that all array of structures (aos) kernels might require blocking
714 (depending on the domain size) to reach the performance of their structure of
715 arrays (soa) counter parts.</p>
716 <p>The following table summarizes the properties of the kernels. Here <strong>D</strong> means
717 direct addressing, i.e. full array, <strong>I</strong> means indirect addressing, i.e. 1D
718 vector with adjacency list, <strong>x</strong> means supported, whereas <strong>--</strong> means unsupported.
719 The loop balance B_l is computed for D3Q19 model with double precision floating
720 point for PDFs (8 byte) and 4 byte integers for the index (adjacency list).
721 As list-aa-ria-soa and list-aa-pv-soa support run length coding their effective
722 loop balance depends on the geometry. The effective loop balance is printed
723 during each run.</p>
724 <table border="1" class="docutils">
725 <colgroup>
726 <col width="29%" />
727 <col width="14%" />
728 <col width="14%" />
729 <col width="6%" />
730 <col width="10%" />
731 <col width="10%" />
732 <col width="16%" />
733 </colgroup>
734 <thead valign="bottom">
735 <tr><th class="head">kernel name</th>
736 <th class="head">prop. step</th>
737 <th class="head">data layout</th>
738 <th class="head">addr.</th>
739 <th class="head">parallel</th>
740 <th class="head">blocking</th>
741 <th class="head">B_l [B/FLUP]</th>
742 </tr>
743 </thead>
744 <tbody valign="top">
745 <tr><td>push-soa</td>
746 <td>OS</td>
747 <td>SoA</td>
748 <td>D</td>
749 <td>x</td>
750 <td>--</td>
751 <td>456</td>
752 </tr>
753 <tr><td>push-aos</td>
754 <td>OS</td>
755 <td>AoS</td>
756 <td>D</td>
757 <td>x</td>
758 <td>--</td>
759 <td>456</td>
760 </tr>
761 <tr><td>pull-soa</td>
762 <td>OS</td>
763 <td>SoA</td>
764 <td>D</td>
765 <td>x</td>
766 <td>--</td>
767 <td>456</td>
768 </tr>
769 <tr><td>pull-aos</td>
770 <td>OS</td>
771 <td>AoS</td>
772 <td>D</td>
773 <td>x</td>
774 <td>--</td>
775 <td>456</td>
776 </tr>
777 <tr><td>blk-push-soa</td>
778 <td>OS</td>
779 <td>SoA</td>
780 <td>D</td>
781 <td>x</td>
782 <td>x</td>
783 <td>456</td>
784 </tr>
785 <tr><td>blk-push-aos</td>
786 <td>OS</td>
787 <td>AoS</td>
788 <td>D</td>
789 <td>x</td>
790 <td>x</td>
791 <td>456</td>
792 </tr>
793 <tr><td>blk-pull-soa</td>
794 <td>OS</td>
795 <td>SoA</td>
796 <td>D</td>
797 <td>x</td>
798 <td>x</td>
799 <td>456</td>
800 </tr>
801 <tr><td>blk-pull-aos</td>
802 <td>OS</td>
803 <td>AoS</td>
804 <td>D</td>
805 <td>x</td>
806 <td>x</td>
807 <td>456</td>
808 </tr>
809 <tr><td>list-push-soa</td>
810 <td>OS</td>
811 <td>SoA</td>
812 <td>I</td>
813 <td>x</td>
814 <td>x</td>
815 <td>528</td>
816 </tr>
817 <tr><td>list-push-aos</td>
818 <td>OS</td>
819 <td>AoS</td>
820 <td>I</td>
821 <td>x</td>
822 <td>x</td>
823 <td>528</td>
824 </tr>
825 <tr><td>list-pull-soa</td>
826 <td>OS</td>
827 <td>SoA</td>
828 <td>I</td>
829 <td>x</td>
830 <td>x</td>
831 <td>528</td>
832 </tr>
833 <tr><td>list-pull-aos</td>
834 <td>OS</td>
835 <td>AoS</td>
836 <td>I</td>
837 <td>x</td>
838 <td>x</td>
839 <td>528</td>
840 </tr>
841 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-1s</td>
842 <td>OS</td>
843 <td>SoA</td>
844 <td>I</td>
845 <td>x</td>
846 <td>x</td>
847 <td>376</td>
848 </tr>
849 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-2s</td>
850 <td>OS</td>
851 <td>SoA</td>
852 <td>I</td>
853 <td>x</td>
854 <td>x</td>
855 <td>376</td>
856 </tr>
857 <tr><td>list-aa-soa</td>
858 <td>AA</td>
859 <td>SoA</td>
860 <td>I</td>
861 <td>x</td>
862 <td>x</td>
863 <td>340</td>
864 </tr>
865 <tr><td>list-aa-aos</td>
866 <td>AA</td>
867 <td>AoS</td>
868 <td>I</td>
869 <td>x</td>
870 <td>x</td>
871 <td>340</td>
872 </tr>
873 <tr><td>list-aa-ria-soa</td>
874 <td>AA</td>
875 <td>SoA</td>
876 <td>I</td>
877 <td>x</td>
878 <td>x</td>
879 <td>304-342</td>
880 </tr>
881 <tr><td>list-aa-pv-soa</td>
882 <td>AA</td>
883 <td>SoA</td>
884 <td>I</td>
885 <td>x</td>
886 <td>x</td>
887 <td>304-342</td>
888 </tr>
889 </tbody>
890 </table>
891 </div>
892 </div>
893 <div class="section" id="id2">
894 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id16">4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Benchmarking</a></h1>
895 <p>Correct benchmarking is a nontrivial task. Whenever benchmark results should be
896 created make sure the binary was compiled with:</p>
897 <ul class="simple">
898 <li><tt class="docutils literal">BENCHMARK=on</tt> (default if not overriden) and</li>
899 <li><tt class="docutils literal">BUILD=release</tt> (default if not overriden) and</li>
900 <li>the correct ISA for macros is used, selected via <tt class="docutils literal">ISA</tt> and</li>
901 <li>use <tt class="docutils literal">TARCH</tt> to specify the architecture the compiler generates code for.</li>
902 </ul>
903 <div class="section" id="intel-compiler">
904 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id17">4.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Intel Compiler</a></h2>
905 <p>For the Intel compiler one can specify depending on the target ISA extension:</p>
906 <ul class="simple">
907 <li>AVX:          <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TARCH=-xAVX</span></tt></li>
908 <li>AVX2 and FMA: <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TARCH=-xCORE-AVX2,-fma</span></tt></li>
909 <li>AVX512:       <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TARCH=-xCORE-AVX512</span></tt></li>
910 <li>KNL:          <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">TARCH=-xMIC-AVX512</span></tt></li>
911 </ul>
912 <p>Compiling for an architecture supporting AVX (Sandy Bridge, Ivy Bridge):</p>
913 <pre class="literal-block">
914 make ISA=avx TARCH=-xAVX
915 </pre>
916 <p>Compiling for an architecture supporting AVX2 (Haswell, Broadwell):</p>
917 <pre class="literal-block">
918 make ISA=avx TARCH=-xCORE-AVX2,-fma
919 </pre>
920 <p>WARNING: ISA is here still set to <tt class="docutils literal">avx</tt> as currently we have the FMA intrinsics not
921 implemented. This might change in the future.</p>
922 <p>Compiling for an architecture supporting AVX-512 (Skylake):</p>
923 <pre class="literal-block">
924 make ISA=avx TARCH=-xCORE-AVX512
925 </pre>
926 <p>WARNING: ISA is here still set to <tt class="docutils literal">avx</tt> as currently we have no implementation for the
927 AVX512 intrinsics. This might change in the future.</p>
928 </div>
929 <div class="section" id="pinning">
930 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id18">4.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Pinning</a></h2>
931 <p>During benchmarking pinning should be used via the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-pin</span></tt> parameter. Running
932 a benchmark with 10 threads and pin them to the first 10 cores works like</p>
933 <pre class="literal-block">
934 $ bin/lbmbenchk-linux-intel-release ... -t 10 -pin $(seq -s , 0 9)
935 </pre>
936 </div>
937 <div class="section" id="general-remarks">
938 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id19">4.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;General Remarks</a></h2>
939 <p>Things the binary does nor check or control:</p>
940 <ul class="simple">
941 <li>transparent huge pages: when allocating memory small 4 KiB pages might be
942 replaced with larger ones. This is in general a good thing, but if this is
943 really the case, depends on the system settings (check e.g. the status of
944 <tt class="docutils literal">/sys/kernel/mm/transparent_hugepage/enabled</tt>).
945 Currently <tt class="docutils literal">madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE)</tt> is used for allocations which are aligned to
946 a 4 KiB page, which should be the case for the lattices.
947 This should result in huge pages except THP is disabled on the machine.
948 (NOTE: madvise() is used if <tt class="docutils literal">HAVE_HUGE_PAGES</tt> is defined, which is currently
949 hard coded defined in <tt class="docutils literal">Memory.c</tt>).</li>
950 <li>CPU/core frequency: For reproducible results the frequency of all cores
951 should be fixed.</li>
952 <li>NUMA placement policy: The benchmark assumes a first touch policy, which
953 means the memory will be placed at the NUMA domain the touching core is
954 associated with. If a different policy is in place or the NUMA domain to be
955 used is already full memory might be allocated in a remote domain. Accesses
956 to remote domains typically have a higher latency and lower bandwidth.</li>
957 <li>System load: interference with other application, especially on desktop
958 systems should be avoided.</li>
959 <li>Padding: For SoA based kernels the number of (fluid) nodes is automatically
960 adjusted so that no cache or TLB thrashing should occur. The parameters are
961 optimized for current Intel based systems. For more details look into the
962 padding section.</li>
963 <li>CPU dispatcher function: the compiler might add different versions of a
964 function for different ISA extensions. Make sure the code you might think is
965 executed is actually the code which is executed.</li>
966 </ul>
967 </div>
968 <div class="section" id="padding">
969 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id20">4.4&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Padding</a></h2>
970 <p>With correct padding cache and TLB thrashing can be avoided. Therefore the
971 number of (fluid) nodes used in the data layout is artificially increased.</p>
972 <p>Currently automatic padding is active for kernels which support it. It can be
973 controlled via the kernel parameter (i.e. parameter after the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">--</span></tt>)
974 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-pad</span></tt>. Supported values are <tt class="docutils literal">auto</tt> (default), <tt class="docutils literal">no</tt> (to disable padding),
975 or a manual padding.</p>
976 <p>Automatic padding tries to avoid cache and TLB thrashing and pads for a 32
977 entry (huge pages) TLB with 8 sets and a 512 set (L2) cache. This reflects the
978 parameters of current Intel based processors.</p>
979 <p>Manual padding is done via a padding string and has the format
980 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">mod_1+offset_1(,mod_n+offset_n)</span></tt>, which specifies numbers of bytes.
981 SoA data layouts can exhibit TLB thrashing. Therefore we want to distribute the
982 19 pages with one lattice (36 with two lattices) we are concurrently accessing
983 over as much sets in the TLB as possible.
984 This is controlled by the distance between the accessed pages, which is the
985 number of (fluid) nodes in between them and can be adjusted by adding further
986 (fluid) nodes.
987 We want the distance d (in bytes) between two accessed pages to be e.g.
988 <strong>d % (PAGE_SIZE * TLB_SETS) = PAGE_SIZE</strong>.
989 This would distribute the pages evenly over the sets. Hereby <strong>PAGE_SIZE * TLB_SETS</strong>
990 would be our <tt class="docutils literal">mod_1</tt> and <strong>PAGE_SIZE</strong> (after the =) our <tt class="docutils literal">offset_1</tt>.
991 Measurements show that with only a quarter of half of a page size as offset
992 higher performance is achieved, which is done by automatic padding.
993 On top of this padding more paddings can be added. They are just added to the
994 padding string and are separated by commas.</p>
995 <p>A zero modulus in the padding string has a special meaning. Here the
996 corresponding offset is just added to the number of nodes. A padding string
997 like <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-pad</span> 0+16</tt> would at a static padding of two nodes (one node = 8 b).</p>
998 </div>
999 </div>
1000 <div class="section" id="geometries">
1001 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id21">5&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Geometries</a></h1>
1002 <p>TODO: supported geometries: channel, pipe, blocks, fluid</p>
1003 </div>
1004 <div class="section" id="performance-results">
1005 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id22">6&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Performance Results</a></h1>
1006 <p>The sections lists performance values measured on several machines for
1007 different kernels and geometries.
1008 The <strong>RFM</strong> column denotes the expected performance as predicted by the
1009 Roofline performance model <a class="citation-reference" href="#williams-2008" id="id3">[williams-2008]</a>.
1010 For performance prediction of each kernel a memory bandwidth benchmark is used
1011 which mimics the kernels memory access pattern and the kernel's loop balance
1012 (see <a class="citation-reference" href="#kernels" id="id4">[kernels]</a> for details).</p>
1013 <div class="section" id="haswell-intel-xeon-e5-2695-v3">
1014 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id23">6.1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Haswell, Intel Xeon E5-2695 v3</a></h2>
1015 <ul class="simple">
1016 <li>Haswell architecture, AVX2, FMA</li>
1017 <li>14 cores, 2,3 GHz</li>
1018 <li>2 x 7 cores in cluster-on-die (CoD) mode enabled</li>
1019 <li>SMT enabled</li>
1020 </ul>
1021 <p>memory bandwidth:</p>
1022 <ul class="simple">
1023 <li>copy-19              47.3 GB/s</li>
1024 <li>copy-19-nt-sl        47.1 GB/s</li>
1025 <li>update-19            44.0 GB/s</li>
1026 </ul>
1027 <p>geometry dimensions:  500x100x100</p>
1028 <table border="1" class="docutils">
1029 <colgroup>
1030 <col width="19%" />
1031 <col width="7%" />
1032 <col width="7%" />
1033 <col width="7%" />
1034 <col width="7%" />
1035 <col width="7%" />
1036 <col width="7%" />
1037 <col width="7%" />
1038 <col width="7%" />
1039 <col width="7%" />
1040 <col width="7%" />
1041 <col width="7%" />
1042 <col width="4%" />
1043 </colgroup>
1044 <thead valign="bottom">
1045 <tr><th class="head">kernel</th>
1046 <th class="head">pipe</th>
1047 <th class="head">blocks-2</th>
1048 <th class="head">blocks-4</th>
1049 <th class="head">blocks-6</th>
1050 <th class="head">blocks-8</th>
1051 <th class="head">blocks-10</th>
1052 <th class="head">blocks-15</th>
1053 <th class="head">blocks-16</th>
1054 <th class="head">blocks-20</th>
1055 <th class="head">blocks-25</th>
1056 <th class="head">blocks-32</th>
1057 <th class="head">RFM</th>
1058 </tr>
1059 </thead>
1060 <tbody valign="top">
1061 <tr><td>blk-push-aos</td>
1062 <td>58.82</td>
1063 <td>49.85</td>
1064 <td>57.34</td>
1065 <td>59.90</td>
1066 <td>61.37</td>
1067 <td>62.17</td>
1068 <td>65.30</td>
1069 <td>64.00</td>
1070 <td>67.54</td>
1071 <td>64.46</td>
1072 <td>69.69</td>
1073 <td>104</td>
1074 </tr>
1075 <tr><td>blk-push-soa</td>
1076 <td>32.32</td>
1077 <td>33.46</td>
1078 <td>34.02</td>
1079 <td>34.64</td>
1080 <td>35.06</td>
1081 <td>35.04</td>
1082 <td>36.31</td>
1083 <td>35.44</td>
1084 <td>37.20</td>
1085 <td>35.14</td>
1086 <td>37.95</td>
1087 <td>104</td>
1088 </tr>
1089 <tr><td>blk-pull-aos</td>
1090 <td>56.97</td>
1091 <td>51.41</td>
1092 <td>56.09</td>
1093 <td>57.92</td>
1094 <td>59.98</td>
1095 <td>59.83</td>
1096 <td>63.37</td>
1097 <td>61.55</td>
1098 <td>65.50</td>
1099 <td>63.11</td>
1100 <td>67.02</td>
1101 <td>104</td>
1102 </tr>
1103 <tr><td>blk-pull-soa</td>
1104 <td>49.29</td>
1105 <td>46.23</td>
1106 <td>47.50</td>
1107 <td>51.97</td>
1108 <td>51.27</td>
1109 <td>49.52</td>
1110 <td>55.23</td>
1111 <td>53.13</td>
1112 <td>54.50</td>
1113 <td>49.79</td>
1114 <td>57.90</td>
1115 <td>104</td>
1116 </tr>
1117 <tr><td>aa-aos</td>
1118 <td>91.35</td>
1119 <td>66.14</td>
1120 <td>76.80</td>
1121 <td>84.76</td>
1122 <td>83.63</td>
1123 <td>91.36</td>
1124 <td>93.46</td>
1125 <td>92.62</td>
1126 <td>93.91</td>
1127 <td>92.25</td>
1128 <td>92.93</td>
1129 <td>145</td>
1130 </tr>
1131 <tr><td>aa-soa</td>
1132 <td>75.51</td>
1133 <td>65.68</td>
1134 <td>70.94</td>
1135 <td>71.36</td>
1136 <td>73.83</td>
1137 <td>75.46</td>
1138 <td>74.84</td>
1139 <td>79.48</td>
1140 <td>83.28</td>
1141 <td>77.70</td>
1142 <td>82.72</td>
1143 <td>145</td>
1144 </tr>
1145 <tr><td>aa-vec-soa</td>
1146 <td>93.85</td>
1147 <td>83.44</td>
1148 <td>91.58</td>
1149 <td>93.96</td>
1150 <td>94.35</td>
1151 <td>96.62</td>
1152 <td>101.76</td>
1153 <td>96.72</td>
1154 <td>106.37</td>
1155 <td>102.60</td>
1156 <td>110.28</td>
1157 <td>145</td>
1158 </tr>
1159 <tr><td>list-push-aos</td>
1160 <td>80.29</td>
1161 <td>80.97</td>
1162 <td>80.95</td>
1163 <td>81.10</td>
1164 <td>81.37</td>
1165 <td>82.44</td>
1166 <td>81.77</td>
1167 <td>81.49</td>
1168 <td>80.72</td>
1169 <td>81.93</td>
1170 <td>80.93</td>
1171 <td>83</td>
1172 </tr>
1173 <tr><td>list-push-soa</td>
1174 <td>47.52</td>
1175 <td>42.65</td>
1176 <td>45.28</td>
1177 <td>46.64</td>
1178 <td>43.46</td>
1179 <td>40.59</td>
1180 <td>44.94</td>
1181 <td>46.55</td>
1182 <td>41.53</td>
1183 <td>45.98</td>
1184 <td>44.86</td>
1185 <td>83</td>
1186 </tr>
1187 <tr><td>list-pull-aos</td>
1188 <td>85.30</td>
1189 <td>82.97</td>
1190 <td>86.43</td>
1191 <td>83.42</td>
1192 <td>86.33</td>
1193 <td>83.70</td>
1194 <td>86.43</td>
1195 <td>83.77</td>
1196 <td>83.10</td>
1197 <td>85.89</td>
1198 <td>84.44</td>
1199 <td>83</td>
1200 </tr>
1201 <tr><td>list-pull-soa</td>
1202 <td>62.12</td>
1203 <td>63.61</td>
1204 <td>63.28</td>
1205 <td>61.32</td>
1206 <td>66.72</td>
1207 <td>62.65</td>
1208 <td>64.82</td>
1209 <td>60.49</td>
1210 <td>58.01</td>
1211 <td>64.46</td>
1212 <td>62.52</td>
1213 <td>83</td>
1214 </tr>
1215 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-1s-soa</td>
1216 <td>121.35</td>
1217 <td>113.77</td>
1218 <td>115.29</td>
1219 <td>113.54</td>
1220 <td>117.00</td>
1221 <td>116.46</td>
1222 <td>114.78</td>
1223 <td>114.54</td>
1224 <td>110.83</td>
1225 <td>112.67</td>
1226 <td>117.85</td>
1227 <td>125</td>
1228 </tr>
1229 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-2s-soa</td>
1230 <td>118.09</td>
1231 <td>110.48</td>
1232 <td>112.55</td>
1233 <td>113.18</td>
1234 <td>113.44</td>
1235 <td>111.85</td>
1236 <td>109.27</td>
1237 <td>114.41</td>
1238 <td>110.28</td>
1239 <td>111.78</td>
1240 <td>113.74</td>
1241 <td>125</td>
1242 </tr>
1243 <tr><td>list-aa-aos</td>
1244 <td>121.28</td>
1245 <td>118.63</td>
1246 <td>119.00</td>
1247 <td>118.50</td>
1248 <td>121.99</td>
1249 <td>119.11</td>
1250 <td>118.83</td>
1251 <td>121.47</td>
1252 <td>121.62</td>
1253 <td>126.18</td>
1254 <td>120.12</td>
1255 <td>129</td>
1256 </tr>
1257 <tr><td>list-aa-soa</td>
1258 <td>126.34</td>
1259 <td>116.90</td>
1260 <td>129.45</td>
1261 <td>127.12</td>
1262 <td>129.41</td>
1263 <td>121.42</td>
1264 <td>126.19</td>
1265 <td>126.76</td>
1266 <td>126.70</td>
1267 <td>124.40</td>
1268 <td>125.22</td>
1269 <td>129</td>
1270 </tr>
1271 <tr><td>list-aa-ria-soa</td>
1272 <td>133.68</td>
1273 <td>121.82</td>
1274 <td>126.04</td>
1275 <td>128.46</td>
1276 <td>131.15</td>
1277 <td>132.25</td>
1278 <td>128.78</td>
1279 <td>133.50</td>
1280 <td>126.69</td>
1281 <td>124.40</td>
1282 <td>130.37</td>
1283 <td>145</td>
1284 </tr>
1285 <tr><td>list-aa-pv-soa</td>
1286 <td>146.22</td>
1287 <td>124.39</td>
1288 <td>130.73</td>
1289 <td>136.29</td>
1290 <td>137.61</td>
1291 <td>131.21</td>
1292 <td>138.65</td>
1293 <td>138.78</td>
1294 <td>127.02</td>
1295 <td>132.40</td>
1296 <td>138.37</td>
1297 <td>145</td>
1298 </tr>
1299 </tbody>
1300 </table>
1301 </div>
1302 <div class="section" id="broadwell-intel-xeon-e5-2630-v4">
1303 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id24">6.2&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Broadwell, Intel Xeon E5-2630 v4</a></h2>
1304 <ul class="simple">
1305 <li>Broadwell architecture, AVX2, FMA</li>
1306 <li>10 cores, 2.2 GHz</li>
1307 <li>SMT disabled</li>
1308 </ul>
1309 <p>memory bandwidth:</p>
1310 <ul class="simple">
1311 <li>copy-19              48.0 GB/s</li>
1312 <li>copy-nt-sl-19        48.2 GB/s</li>
1313 <li>update-19            51.1 GB/s</li>
1314 </ul>
1315 <p>geometry dimensions:  500x100x100</p>
1316 <table border="1" class="docutils">
1317 <colgroup>
1318 <col width="19%" />
1319 <col width="7%" />
1320 <col width="7%" />
1321 <col width="7%" />
1322 <col width="7%" />
1323 <col width="7%" />
1324 <col width="7%" />
1325 <col width="7%" />
1326 <col width="7%" />
1327 <col width="7%" />
1328 <col width="7%" />
1329 <col width="7%" />
1330 <col width="5%" />
1331 </colgroup>
1332 <thead valign="bottom">
1333 <tr><th class="head">kernel</th>
1334 <th class="head">pipe</th>
1335 <th class="head">blocks-2</th>
1336 <th class="head">blocks-4</th>
1337 <th class="head">blocks-6</th>
1338 <th class="head">blocks-8</th>
1339 <th class="head">blocks-10</th>
1340 <th class="head">blocks-15</th>
1341 <th class="head">blocks-16</th>
1342 <th class="head">blocks-20</th>
1343 <th class="head">blocks-25</th>
1344 <th class="head">blocks-32</th>
1345 <th class="head">RFM</th>
1346 </tr>
1347 </thead>
1348 <tbody valign="top">
1349 <tr><td>blk-push-aos</td>
1350 <td>55.75</td>
1351 <td>47.62</td>
1352 <td>54.57</td>
1353 <td>57.10</td>
1354 <td>58.49</td>
1355 <td>59.00</td>
1356 <td>61.72</td>
1357 <td>60.56</td>
1358 <td>64.05</td>
1359 <td>61.10</td>
1360 <td>66.03</td>
1361 <td>105</td>
1362 </tr>
1363 <tr><td>blk-push-soa</td>
1364 <td>30.06</td>
1365 <td>31.09</td>
1366 <td>32.13</td>
1367 <td>32.54</td>
1368 <td>32.74</td>
1369 <td>32.72</td>
1370 <td>33.81</td>
1371 <td>33.19</td>
1372 <td>34.90</td>
1373 <td>33.21</td>
1374 <td>35.75</td>
1375 <td>105</td>
1376 </tr>
1377 <tr><td>blk-pull-aos</td>
1378 <td>53.80</td>
1379 <td>48.61</td>
1380 <td>53.08</td>
1381 <td>54.99</td>
1382 <td>56.08</td>
1383 <td>56.68</td>
1384 <td>59.20</td>
1385 <td>58.12</td>
1386 <td>61.49</td>
1387 <td>58.71</td>
1388 <td>63.45</td>
1389 <td>105</td>
1390 </tr>
1391 <tr><td>blk-pull-soa</td>
1392 <td>46.96</td>
1393 <td>46.61</td>
1394 <td>48.84</td>
1395 <td>49.70</td>
1396 <td>50.33</td>
1397 <td>50.46</td>
1398 <td>52.36</td>
1399 <td>51.39</td>
1400 <td>54.20</td>
1401 <td>51.61</td>
1402 <td>55.71</td>
1403 <td>105</td>
1404 </tr>
1405 <tr><td>aa-aos</td>
1406 <td>91.40</td>
1407 <td>66.99</td>
1408 <td>78.47</td>
1409 <td>83.38</td>
1410 <td>86.62</td>
1411 <td>88.62</td>
1412 <td>92.98</td>
1413 <td>91.54</td>
1414 <td>97.08</td>
1415 <td>94.93</td>
1416 <td>98.90</td>
1417 <td>168</td>
1418 </tr>
1419 <tr><td>aa-soa</td>
1420 <td>83.01</td>
1421 <td>69.96</td>
1422 <td>75.85</td>
1423 <td>77.72</td>
1424 <td>79.01</td>
1425 <td>79.29</td>
1426 <td>82.38</td>
1427 <td>80.11</td>
1428 <td>85.70</td>
1429 <td>83.91</td>
1430 <td>87.69</td>
1431 <td>168</td>
1432 </tr>
1433 <tr><td>aa-vec-soa</td>
1434 <td>112.03</td>
1435 <td>96.52</td>
1436 <td>105.32</td>
1437 <td>109.76</td>
1438 <td>112.55</td>
1439 <td>113.82</td>
1440 <td>120.55</td>
1441 <td>118.37</td>
1442 <td>126.30</td>
1443 <td>121.37</td>
1444 <td>131.94</td>
1445 <td>168</td>
1446 </tr>
1447 <tr><td>list-push-aos</td>
1448 <td>75.13</td>
1449 <td>74.18</td>
1450 <td>75.20</td>
1451 <td>75.42</td>
1452 <td>75.24</td>
1453 <td>75.99</td>
1454 <td>75.80</td>
1455 <td>75.80</td>
1456 <td>75.54</td>
1457 <td>76.22</td>
1458 <td>76.21</td>
1459 <td>97</td>
1460 </tr>
1461 <tr><td>list-push-soa</td>
1462 <td>40.99</td>
1463 <td>38.14</td>
1464 <td>39.00</td>
1465 <td>38.89</td>
1466 <td>38.89</td>
1467 <td>39.67</td>
1468 <td>39.87</td>
1469 <td>39.28</td>
1470 <td>39.35</td>
1471 <td>40.08</td>
1472 <td>40.13</td>
1473 <td>97</td>
1474 </tr>
1475 <tr><td>list-pull-aos</td>
1476 <td>82.07</td>
1477 <td>82.88</td>
1478 <td>83.29</td>
1479 <td>83.09</td>
1480 <td>83.32</td>
1481 <td>83.49</td>
1482 <td>82.82</td>
1483 <td>82.88</td>
1484 <td>83.32</td>
1485 <td>82.60</td>
1486 <td>82.93</td>
1487 <td>97</td>
1488 </tr>
1489 <tr><td>list-pull-soa</td>
1490 <td>62.07</td>
1491 <td>60.40</td>
1492 <td>61.89</td>
1493 <td>61.39</td>
1494 <td>62.43</td>
1495 <td>60.90</td>
1496 <td>60.48</td>
1497 <td>62.80</td>
1498 <td>62.50</td>
1499 <td>61.10</td>
1500 <td>60.38</td>
1501 <td>97</td>
1502 </tr>
1503 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-1s-soa</td>
1504 <td>125.81</td>
1505 <td>120.60</td>
1506 <td>121.96</td>
1507 <td>122.34</td>
1508 <td>122.86</td>
1509 <td>123.53</td>
1510 <td>123.64</td>
1511 <td>123.67</td>
1512 <td>125.94</td>
1513 <td>124.09</td>
1514 <td>123.69</td>
1515 <td>128</td>
1516 </tr>
1517 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-2s-soa</td>
1518 <td>122.79</td>
1519 <td>117.16</td>
1520 <td>118.86</td>
1521 <td>119.16</td>
1522 <td>119.56</td>
1523 <td>119.99</td>
1524 <td>120.01</td>
1525 <td>120.03</td>
1526 <td>122.64</td>
1527 <td>120.57</td>
1528 <td>120.39</td>
1529 <td>128</td>
1530 </tr>
1531 <tr><td>list-aa-aos</td>
1532 <td>128.13</td>
1533 <td>127.41</td>
1534 <td>129.31</td>
1535 <td>129.07</td>
1536 <td>129.79</td>
1537 <td>129.63</td>
1538 <td>129.67</td>
1539 <td>129.94</td>
1540 <td>129.12</td>
1541 <td>128.41</td>
1542 <td>129.72</td>
1543 <td>150</td>
1544 </tr>
1545 <tr><td>list-aa-soa</td>
1546 <td>141.60</td>
1547 <td>139.78</td>
1548 <td>141.58</td>
1549 <td>142.16</td>
1550 <td>141.94</td>
1551 <td>141.31</td>
1552 <td>142.37</td>
1553 <td>142.25</td>
1554 <td>142.43</td>
1555 <td>141.40</td>
1556 <td>142.26</td>
1557 <td>150</td>
1558 </tr>
1559 <tr><td>list-aa-ria-soa</td>
1560 <td>141.82</td>
1561 <td>134.88</td>
1562 <td>140.15</td>
1563 <td>140.72</td>
1564 <td>141.67</td>
1565 <td>140.51</td>
1566 <td>141.18</td>
1567 <td>141.29</td>
1568 <td>142.97</td>
1569 <td>141.94</td>
1570 <td>143.25</td>
1571 <td>168</td>
1572 </tr>
1573 <tr><td>list-aa-pv-soa</td>
1574 <td>164.79</td>
1575 <td>140.95</td>
1576 <td>159.24</td>
1577 <td>161.78</td>
1578 <td>162.40</td>
1579 <td>163.04</td>
1580 <td>164.69</td>
1581 <td>164.38</td>
1582 <td>165.11</td>
1583 <td>165.75</td>
1584 <td>166.09</td>
1585 <td>168</td>
1586 </tr>
1587 </tbody>
1588 </table>
1589 </div>
1590 <div class="section" id="skylake-intel-xeon-gold-6148">
1591 <h2><a class="toc-backref" href="#id25">6.3&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Skylake, Intel Xeon Gold 6148</a></h2>
1592 <ul class="simple">
1593 <li>Skylake architecture, AVX2, FMA, AVX512</li>
1594 <li>20 cores, 2.4 GHz</li>
1595 <li>SMT enabled</li>
1596 </ul>
1597 <p>memory bandwidth:</p>
1598 <ul class="simple">
1599 <li>copy-19                  89.7 GB/s</li>
1600 <li>copy-19-nt-sl            92.4 GB/s</li>
1601 <li>update-19                93.6 GB/s</li>
1602 </ul>
1603 <p>geometry dimensions:  500x100x100</p>
1604 <table border="1" class="docutils">
1605 <colgroup>
1606 <col width="20%" />
1607 <col width="7%" />
1608 <col width="7%" />
1609 <col width="7%" />
1610 <col width="7%" />
1611 <col width="7%" />
1612 <col width="7%" />
1613 <col width="7%" />
1614 <col width="7%" />
1615 <col width="7%" />
1616 <col width="7%" />
1617 <col width="7%" />
1618 <col width="2%" />
1619 </colgroup>
1620 <thead valign="bottom">
1621 <tr><th class="head">kernel</th>
1622 <th class="head">pipe</th>
1623 <th class="head">blocks-2</th>
1624 <th class="head">blocks-4</th>
1625 <th class="head">blocks-6</th>
1626 <th class="head">blocks-8</th>
1627 <th class="head">blocks-10</th>
1628 <th class="head">blocks-15</th>
1629 <th class="head">blocks-16</th>
1630 <th class="head">blocks-20</th>
1631 <th class="head">blocks-25</th>
1632 <th class="head">blocks-32</th>
1633 <th class="head">RFM</th>
1634 </tr>
1635 </thead>
1636 <tbody valign="top">
1637 <tr><td>blk-push-aos</td>
1638 <td>113.01</td>
1639 <td>93.99</td>
1640 <td>108.98</td>
1641 <td>114.65</td>
1642 <td>117.87</td>
1643 <td>119.47</td>
1644 <td>124.95</td>
1645 <td>122.46</td>
1646 <td>129.29</td>
1647 <td>123.87</td>
1648 <td>133.01</td>
1649 <td>197</td>
1650 </tr>
1651 <tr><td>blk-push-soa</td>
1652 <td>100.21</td>
1653 <td>98.87</td>
1654 <td>103.63</td>
1655 <td>105.56</td>
1656 <td>107.02</td>
1657 <td>107.27</td>
1658 <td>111.61</td>
1659 <td>109.83</td>
1660 <td>116.16</td>
1661 <td>110.51</td>
1662 <td>110.29</td>
1663 <td>197</td>
1664 </tr>
1665 <tr><td>blk-pull-aos</td>
1666 <td>118.45</td>
1667 <td>102.54</td>
1668 <td>114.12</td>
1669 <td>117.82</td>
1670 <td>122.69</td>
1671 <td>124.31</td>
1672 <td>130.58</td>
1673 <td>127.85</td>
1674 <td>135.72</td>
1675 <td>129.65</td>
1676 <td>139.94</td>
1677 <td>197</td>
1678 </tr>
1679 <tr><td>blk-pull-soa</td>
1680 <td>82.60</td>
1681 <td>83.36</td>
1682 <td>87.13</td>
1683 <td>88.39</td>
1684 <td>88.84</td>
1685 <td>88.96</td>
1686 <td>92.48</td>
1687 <td>90.93</td>
1688 <td>95.79</td>
1689 <td>91.92</td>
1690 <td>98.64</td>
1691 <td>197</td>
1692 </tr>
1693 <tr><td>aa-aos</td>
1694 <td>171.32</td>
1695 <td>125.43</td>
1696 <td>147.73</td>
1697 <td>157.70</td>
1698 <td>163.35</td>
1699 <td>167.25</td>
1700 <td>175.39</td>
1701 <td>174.20</td>
1702 <td>182.54</td>
1703 <td>173.67</td>
1704 <td>187.76</td>
1705 <td>308</td>
1706 </tr>
1707 <tr><td>aa-soa</td>
1708 <td>180.85</td>
1709 <td>152.39</td>
1710 <td>165.84</td>
1711 <td>152.59</td>
1712 <td>171.90</td>
1713 <td>175.76</td>
1714 <td>184.94</td>
1715 <td>182.34</td>
1716 <td>189.43</td>
1717 <td>180.30</td>
1718 <td>193.54</td>
1719 <td>308</td>
1720 </tr>
1721 <tr><td>aa-vec-soa</td>
1722 <td>208.03</td>
1723 <td>181.51</td>
1724 <td>195.86</td>
1725 <td>203.41</td>
1726 <td>209.08</td>
1727 <td>212.34</td>
1728 <td>224.05</td>
1729 <td>219.49</td>
1730 <td>234.31</td>
1731 <td>225.92</td>
1732 <td>245.22</td>
1733 <td>308</td>
1734 </tr>
1735 <tr><td>list-push-aos</td>
1736 <td>158.81</td>
1737 <td>164.67</td>
1738 <td>162.93</td>
1739 <td>163.05</td>
1740 <td>165.22</td>
1741 <td>164.31</td>
1742 <td>164.66</td>
1743 <td>160.78</td>
1744 <td>164.07</td>
1745 <td>165.19</td>
1746 <td>164.06</td>
1747 <td>177</td>
1748 </tr>
1749 <tr><td>list-push-soa</td>
1750 <td>134.60</td>
1751 <td>110.44</td>
1752 <td>110.17</td>
1753 <td>132.01</td>
1754 <td>132.95</td>
1755 <td>133.46</td>
1756 <td>134.37</td>
1757 <td>134.33</td>
1758 <td>135.12</td>
1759 <td>134.91</td>
1760 <td>137.87</td>
1761 <td>177</td>
1762 </tr>
1763 <tr><td>list-pull-aos</td>
1764 <td>169.61</td>
1765 <td>170.03</td>
1766 <td>170.89</td>
1767 <td>170.90</td>
1768 <td>171.20</td>
1769 <td>171.60</td>
1770 <td>172.09</td>
1771 <td>171.95</td>
1772 <td>169.48</td>
1773 <td>172.08</td>
1774 <td>171.02</td>
1775 <td>177</td>
1776 </tr>
1777 <tr><td>list-pull-soa</td>
1778 <td>120.50</td>
1779 <td>116.73</td>
1780 <td>118.62</td>
1781 <td>118.00</td>
1782 <td>120.99</td>
1783 <td>118.15</td>
1784 <td>117.17</td>
1785 <td>121.41</td>
1786 <td>120.83</td>
1787 <td>120.00</td>
1788 <td>118.74</td>
1789 <td>177</td>
1790 </tr>
1791 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-1s-soa</td>
1792 <td>225.59</td>
1793 <td>224.18</td>
1794 <td>225.10</td>
1795 <td>226.34</td>
1796 <td>226.01</td>
1797 <td>230.37</td>
1798 <td>227.50</td>
1799 <td>228.42</td>
1800 <td>227.39</td>
1801 <td>231.65</td>
1802 <td>227.35</td>
1803 <td>246</td>
1804 </tr>
1805 <tr><td>list-pull-split-nt-2s-soa</td>
1806 <td>219.20</td>
1807 <td>214.63</td>
1808 <td>217.61</td>
1809 <td>218.13</td>
1810 <td>219.07</td>
1811 <td>221.01</td>
1812 <td>219.88</td>
1813 <td>220.09</td>
1814 <td>220.62</td>
1815 <td>221.68</td>
1816 <td>220.58</td>
1817 <td>246</td>
1818 </tr>
1819 <tr><td>list-aa-aos</td>
1820 <td>241.39</td>
1821 <td>239.27</td>
1822 <td>239.53</td>
1823 <td>242.56</td>
1824 <td>242.46</td>
1825 <td>243.00</td>
1826 <td>242.91</td>
1827 <td>242.46</td>
1828 <td>241.24</td>
1829 <td>242.96</td>
1830 <td>241.52</td>
1831 <td>275</td>
1832 </tr>
1833 <tr><td>list-aa-soa</td>
1834 <td>273.73</td>
1835 <td>268.49</td>
1836 <td>268.48</td>
1837 <td>271.79</td>
1838 <td>275.29</td>
1839 <td>274.56</td>
1840 <td>277.18</td>
1841 <td>272.67</td>
1842 <td>274.21</td>
1843 <td>275.24</td>
1844 <td>278.21</td>
1845 <td>275</td>
1846 </tr>
1847 <tr><td>list-aa-ria-soa</td>
1848 <td>288.42</td>
1849 <td>261.89</td>
1850 <td>273.26</td>
1851 <td>284.84</td>
1852 <td>283.88</td>
1853 <td>288.29</td>
1854 <td>290.72</td>
1855 <td>289.81</td>
1856 <td>293.36</td>
1857 <td>290.75</td>
1858 <td>292.93</td>
1859 <td>308</td>
1860 </tr>
1861 <tr><td>list-aa-pv-soa</td>
1862 <td>303.35</td>
1863 <td>267.21</td>
1864 <td>289.18</td>
1865 <td>294.96</td>
1866 <td>294.36</td>
1867 <td>298.16</td>
1868 <td>300.45</td>
1869 <td>301.71</td>
1870 <td>302.37</td>
1871 <td>302.88</td>
1872 <td>304.46</td>
1873 <td>308</td>
1874 </tr>
1875 </tbody>
1876 </table>
1877 </div>
1878 </div>
1879 <div class="section" id="licence">
1880 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id26">7&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Licence</a></h1>
1881 <p>The Lattice Boltzmann Benchmark Kernels are licensed under GPLv3.</p>
1882 </div>
1883 <div class="section" id="acknowledgements">
1884 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id27">8&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Acknowledgements</a></h1>
1885 <p>This work was funded by BMBF, grant no. 01IH15003A (project SKAMPY).</p>
1886 <p>This work was funded by KONWHIR project OMI4PAPS.</p>
1887 </div>
1888 <div class="section" id="bibliography">
1889 <h1><a class="toc-backref" href="#id28">9&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Bibliography</a></h1>
1890 <table class="docutils citation" frame="void" id="ginzburg-2008" rules="none">
1891 <colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
1892 <tbody valign="top">
1893 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id1">[ginzburg-2008]</a></td><td>I. Ginzburg, F. Verhaeghe, and D. d'Humières.
1894 Two-relaxation-time lattice Boltzmann scheme: About parametrization, velocity, pressure and mixed boundary conditions.
1895 Commun. Comput. Phys., 3(2):427-478, 2008.</td></tr>
1896 </tbody>
1897 </table>
1898 <table class="docutils citation" frame="void" id="williams-2008" rules="none">
1899 <colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
1900 <tbody valign="top">
1901 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id3">[williams-2008]</a></td><td>S. Williams, A. Waterman, and D. Patterson.
1902 Roofline: an insightful visual performance model for multicore architectures.
1903 Commun. ACM, 52(4):65-76, Apr 2009. doi:10.1145/1498765.1498785</td></tr>
1904 </tbody>
1905 </table>
1906 <p>Document was generated at 2017-11-21 15:43.</p>
1907 </div>
1908 </div>
1909 </body>
1910 </html>
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