--- /dev/null
+# Script to delete tiles that only contain water (usually in the
+# middle of an ocean) in the higher numbered zoomlevels. These
+# are trivial to regenerate (far less than one second) at any
+# time.
+# Some settings
+# Minimum Zoom in which we delete
+# Maximum Zoom in which we delete
+# Age in days after which we delete
+# the md5sum of a metatile containing only water?
+# the size of a metatile containing only water?
+# Directory that contains the tiles? (with trailing slash!)
+for z in `seq $MINZ $MAXZ`
+ if [ ! -d "${OSMDEDIR}${z}" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ for tiles in `find ${OSMDEDIR}${z} -xdev -type f -name '*.meta' -size ${SIZEOSMDE}c -mtime +${AGE} -print`
+ do
+ # We need to skip the first 20 bytes of the file as they contain the metafile
+ # header that contains the x/y location of the tile.
+ TILEMD5=`tail -c +20 $tiles | md5sum -b | sed -e 's/ .*//g'`
+ if [ "$TILEMD5" == "$MD5OSMDE" ] ; then
+ echo "Deleting $tiles"
+ rm $tiles
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "There was an error deleting $tiles."
+ echo "Aborting after deleting $NDELETED files."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #else
+ # echo "$tiles is not a water tile."
+ fi
+ done
+for z in `seq $MINZ $MAXZ`
+ if [ ! -d "${OSMORGDIR}${z}" ] ; then
+ continue
+ fi
+ for tiles in `find ${OSMORGDIR}${z} -xdev -type f -name '*.meta' -size ${SIZEOSMORG}c -mtime +${AGE} -print`
+ do
+ # We need to skip the first 20 bytes of the file as they contain the metafile
+ # header that contains the x/y location of the tile.
+ TILEMD5=`tail -c +20 $tiles | md5sum -b | sed -e 's/ .*//g'`
+ if [ "$TILEMD5" == "$MD5OSMORG" ] ; then
+ echo "Deleting $tiles"
+ #rm $tiles
+ if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then
+ echo "There was an error deleting $tiles."
+ echo "Aborting after deleting $NDELETED files."
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ #else
+ # echo "$tiles is not a water tile."
+ fi
+ done
+echo "$NDELETED files deleted."