--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# Configuration stuff
+# Timeout in seconds
+# Random nonsense messages
+@nonsensemessages = (
+ # |20 |40
+ "All your base are belong to us.",
+ "You're printing way too much.",
+ "Paper jam? How does that taste?",
+ "Zum Weiterdrucken Muenze einwerfen",
+ "Initiating robot uprising",
+ "E: You have exceededyour print quota"
+use IO::Socket;
+$|=1; # Autoflush
+# Parameter 1: Socket
+# Parameter 2: PJL status readback command
+# Returns: printers reply, or undef.
+sub sendpjlstatusreadback($$) {
+ my $sock = $_[0];
+ my $cmd = $_[1];
+ my $res = ''; my $ll;
+ print($sock "\033%-12345X\@PJL $cmd\n\033%-12345X");
+ local $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
+ die("Status readback timed out after $mytimeout seconds.\n");
+ };
+ alarm($mytimeout);
+ while (sysread($sock, $ll, 1)) {
+ #printf("0x%02x ", ord(substr($ll, 0, 1)));
+ if ($ll eq "\x0C") { # "form feed" = official End of status.
+ alarm(0);
+ return $res;
+ }
+ #print("'$ll\n'");
+ $res .= $ll;
+ }
+ print("Warning: status read ended with EOF or error\n");
+ alarm(0);
+ return $res;
+# Parameter 1: Socket
+# Parameter 2: PJL status readback command
+# Parameter 3: 0 = No Open oder Close, 1 = Send "start of PJL command",
+# 2 = Send "end of PJL commands", 3 = Send both
+# Returns: nothing
+sub sendpjlcommand($$$) {
+ my $sock = $_[0];
+ my $cmd = $_[1];
+ my $tosnd = '';
+ if ($_[2] & 1) {
+ $tosnd .= "\033%-12345X";
+ }
+ $tosnd .= "\@PJL $cmd\n";
+ if ($_[2] & 2) {
+ $tosnd .= "\033%-12345X";
+ }
+ print("Sending command: '$tosnd'\n");
+ print($sock $tosnd);
+if (@ARGV != 1) {
+ print("Syntax: $0 [printerip]\n");
+ exit(1);
+$printerad = $ARGV[0];
+my $SOCKET = new IO::Socket::INET(
+ PeerAddr => $printerad,
+ PeerPort => '9100', # 9100 = jetdirect
+ Proto => 'tcp',
+ );
+unless ($SOCKET) {
+ print("Failed to connect to printer $printerad Port 9100: $!.\n");
+ exit(1);
+binmode($SOCKET, ':raw');
+print(sendpjlstatusreadback($SOCKET, "INFO STATUS"));
+print(sendpjlstatusreadback($SOCKET, "INFO PAGECOUNT"));
+# print($SOCKET "\033%-12345X\@PJL INFO STATUS\r\n\@PJL INFO PAGECOUNT\r\n\@PJL RDYMSG DISPLAY = \"test 2 3 4\"\033%-12345X\r\n");
+sendpjlcommand($SOCKET, 'RDYMSG DISPLAY = "'.$nonsensemessages[rand(@nonsensemessages)].'"', 3);