--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# WARNING: Doing this for zoom level 0 requires 90 GB of space in $TEMP!
+# That's why layers 0-2 are not generated by default (you need to change
+# a line below)
+# URL is: /zoom/X/Y.png
+$srcpath = '/mnt/tiles/lowzoomtilegen/';
+use Graphics::Magick;
+# No need to change this usually
+$ZOOMMAX = 9;
+$TILESIZE = 256;
+# Par. 0: Z
+# Par. 1: X
+# Par. 2: Y
+sub mergetile($$$) {
+ my $ZS = $_[0];
+ my $XS = $_[1];
+ my $YS = $_[2];
+ my $N = 1;
+ my $dstfilename = sprintf("%s/%d/%d/%d.png", $dstpath, $ZS, $XS, $YS);
+ my $olfilename = sprintf("%s/%d/%d/%d.png", $srcpath, $ZS, $XS, $YS);
+ if ($ZS >= $ZOOMMAX) {
+ print("Sorry - can only merge Z <= $ZOOMMAX\n"); exit(1);
+ }
+ my $z = $ZS;
+ while ($ZS < $ZOOMMAX) {
+ $N = $N * 2; # Twice as many tiles (per direction)
+ $XS = $XS * 2; # Starting at 2*X
+ $YS = $YS * 2; # and 2*Y.
+ $ZS++;
+ }
+ printf("Combining %d tiles (%d x %d pixels)\n", $N * $N, $N * $TILESIZE, $N * $TILESIZE);
+ # Now load them all and fill them into one big picture.
+ my $dimage = Graphics::Magick->new('size' => sprintf("%dx%d", $N * $TILESIZE, $N * $TILESIZE)); # magick => 'png',
+ $status = $dimage->Read("xc:white"); # This actually creates the image, the above does NOT - very intuitive!
+ warn "$status" if "$status";
+ my $x; my $y;
+ for ($x = 0; $x < $N; $x++) {
+ for ($y = 0; $y < $N; $y++) {
+ my $fn = sprintf("%s/%d/%d/%d.png", $srcpath, $ZOOMMAX, $XS + $x, $YS + $y);
+ #print("Loading: $fn\n");
+ my $tmpimg = Graphics::Magick->new();
+ $status = $tmpimg->Read($fn);
+ warn "$status" if "$status";
+ $dimage->Composite( 'image' => $tmpimg, 'compose' => 'over',
+ 'x' => ($x * $TILESIZE),
+ 'y' => ($y * $TILESIZE));
+ }
+ }
+ $dimage->Resize('geometry' => sprintf("%dx%d", $TILESIZE, $TILESIZE), 'filter' => 'Lanczos');
+ #print("Loading: $olfilename\n");
+ my $olimg = Graphics::Magick->new();
+ $status = $olimg->Read($olfilename);
+ warn "$status" if "$status";
+ $dimage->Composite( 'image' => $olimg, 'compose' => 'over', 'x' => 0, 'y' => 0 );
+ print("Writing combined image to: $dstfilename\n");
+ $status = $dimage->Write($dstfilename);
+ warn "$status" if "$status";
+# "main()"
+#mergetile(1, 1, 0);
+#mergetile(2, 2, 1);
+#mergetile(3, 4, 2);
+#mergetile(4, 8, 5);
+#mergetile(5, 16, 10);
+#mergetile(6, 33, 21);
+#mergetile(7, 67, 43);
+#mergetile(8, 135, 87);
+my $rz; my $rx; my $ry;
+for ($rz = 3; $rz <= 8; $rz++) {
+ my $ntilesperdir = 2 ** $rz; # Allgemein: 2 ^ Zoomlevel
+ for ($rx = 0; $rx < $ntilesperdir; $rx++) {
+ my $targdir = sprintf("%s/%d/%d", $dstpath, $rz, $rx);
+ if (! -e $targdir) {
+ print("Trying to create $targdir...");
+ # FIXME: mkdir -p - the zoom level dir might not exist either!
+ if (mkdir($targdir)) {
+ print(" OK!\n");
+ } else {
+ print(" FAILED!\n");
+ }
+ }
+ for ($ry = 0; $ry < $ntilesperdir; $ry++) {
+ mergetile($rz, $rx, $ry);
+ }
+ }
+ $ntilesperdir = $ntilesperdir * 2;